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Winter Is Around The Corner – Make Sure Your Home Is Ready!

Winter Is Around The Corner – Make Sure Your Home Is Ready!

Winter Home Maintenance Tips!

  • Drains, Inlets & Catch Basins: Important to routinely inspect for blockages.
Gutters and Downspouts:
  • Check and clear gutters of all debris every six months and after thunderstorms.
  • Check HVAC System and thermostat batteries. We recommend an inspection by a heating professional each season.

Front and Exterior Doors:
  • Inspect the weather stripping to maintain a tight air seal.
Irrigation Controller:
  • Reset clock for end of daylight savings time and after any power failures. Adjust to a winter schedule following per week Water Guidelines of Turf Areas- .75 – 1.0 inches and Shrub Areas- .50 – .75 inches.
Roofing System:
  • Inspect the interior ceiling and attic for roof leaks. Inspect the exterior for debris, drainage and general condition. An inspection by a roofing professional is recommended.

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