During this time of drought, we would like to share some helpful information with our customers. Please review the important material provided below.
What is Executive Order B-29-15?
Governor Brown issued an executive order to all of California’s cities and towns to reduce water consumption by 25% as compared to amount used in 2013 and increase enforcement against water waste effective May 1, 2015.
Due to the drought the State has implemented mandatory water use reductions for the first time in California’s history, saying the state’s four-year drought had reached near-crisis proportions after a winter of record-low snowfalls.
The County of Fresno is dependent on groundwater and surface water for its water supply. Because the County is committed to conservation, the following outdoor watering schedule is in effect throughout the County:
- Customers with EVEN numbered addresses will be allowed to use water outdoors on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Customers with ODD numbered addresses will be allowed to use water outdoors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
No watering will be allowed between 9am and 6pm.
Where do I use the most water?
If you have a front or back yard that is landscaped, most likely a large percentage of your water is being consumed to keep your landscape heathy and alive. This is especially true with Fescue grass. Fescue can require up to 40% more water than Bermuda. Overhead spray irrigation in flower beds can also waste water if watering bare areas.
What can I do to save water and keep the yard green?
Here are some suggestions to make your current yard more drought tolerant:
- Convert flower beds to drip directly to shrubs
- Bark all flower beds to help hold the moisture in soil
- Convert Fescue grass to a drought tolerant grass such as Bermuda, Buffalo Grass or a low growing groundcover
- Irrigate in several short intervals to allow the ground to absorb water to avoid run off. This will also help push the water deeper in the soil.
Other Options?
Here are a few other options that you might consider:
- Replace your grass with synthetic turf. Call South West Greens for a free quote at (559)294-7888
- Call Mauricio at the WeedMan (559) 286-4843 to treat your grass with a moisture managing chemical that will help the soil retain water and reduce your landscape irrigation needs up to 30%.
Help Conserve Water Tips:
You can help conserve water by following these guidelines:
- Wash only full loads of clothes
- Adjust your sprinkler system for leaks and overspray
- Use a broom instead of a hose to clean the driveway
- Drought Tolerant Plants – The City has developed a list of plants which are very low, low and moderate water using plants to assist customers in selecting the appropriate plants for their landscapes. Plants which use similar amounts of water should be grouped together and be placed on the same sprinkler valve so that irrigation can be tailored to the plant’s specific water needs. This website, offering water-saving ideas and suggesting plants that grow well in the San Joaquin Valley, can be a valuable resource. Beautiful Central Valley yards and gardens are highlighted along with the plant selection information and water needs http://www.fresno.watersavingplants.com/.
- Save Our Water – A State sponsored web site with ideas and tips on how to save water during the drought. See their website for information at http://saveourwater.com.
The post Getting Through The Drought As Green As Possible – The County of Fresno appeared first on De Young Properties.