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Raise the Roof: 5 Things To Know About De Young Properties Trade Partner, Eagle Roofing

Raise the Roof: 5 Things To Know About De Young Properties Trade Partner, Eagle Roofing

At De Young Properties, we have been building homes for a long time, but we can’t do it alone. Especially at this time of year, we are keenly aware of all the people that help make it possible – our team, trade partners, business affiliates, community and of course, De Young customers.

One of those special partners is Eagle Roofing – and recently, I had the opportunity to tour one of the four Eagle Roofing plants located in the United States, and it is right in our backyard of Stockton, CA. I came away full of new information about their impressive operation – and a deeper appreciation of our ability to offer our homebuyers access to a superior product.

A little bit about what makes Eagle Roofing so special:

1. Chill Out

Rated by both Energy Star and the Cool Roof Rating Council, Eagle brand Cool Roof Tile products reflect sunlight and heat away from the home resulting in lower energy bills, ultimately saving you money. Bring it on, summer – with Eagle Roofing Products, we’re ready for you!

2. Independence

Each of the four Eagle plants houses the same machinery, which they have built and maintained nearly all on their own to ensure quality and consistency. We love a good control freak!

3. Bigger is Better

With more than 260,000 square feet of manufacturing space under one roof (pun intended) on 35 acres, the fully automated Stockton plant is one of the largest concrete tile plants in the world. If that isn’t impressive enough, this plant has four production lines under one roof, each producing different types of tile. The tile is produced on aluminum molds, of which they have 45,000.  A single machine makes 115 tiles per minute, with quality checks every hour. Wow! Nothing but the best for our customers!

4. Lean & Green

Eagle Roofing recycles the water used in the manufacturing process as well as all wet and dry tile. Environmental responsible before, during and after production!

5. Design Star

The Stockton plant has a Design Studio to give customers an opportunity to engage with their products and share perspectives. This is just one of their avenues for customers to share opinions, wants and needs, which directly impact the focus of research and development. New profiles and colors are often the result of client request. They like us! They really like us!

For information about De Young Properties and our top-notch trade partners, visit

Author: Brandon De Young

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