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2007 St. Jude Dream Home

2007 St. Jude Dream Home

De Young Properties Helps To Successfully Raise Over One Million Dollars with St. Jude Dream Home

The 4th Annual Central Valley St. Jude Dream Home, built by major donor De Young Properties in the Brentwood Loma Vista community, was given away to the lucky winner, Ronald Dean of Visalia, CA, on Sunday, November 18th, during a live television broadcast on KMPH Fox26. The event successfully raised over $1 million by selling 10,000 tickets to help the kids of St. Jude fight cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases.

One hundred percent of the proceeds were donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, which works around the clock to develop cures to save the lives of boys and girls, including children in the San Joaquin Valley. Paula De Young, executive vice president of De Young Properties, said, “We became involved because we can help children everywhere, but also because we can change the life of a family by giving them a new home. It was a privilege being involved with this organization and we are thrilled with the Central Valley’s support for this cause. Raising one million dollars for St. Jude is a huge success story.”

Located within the new Brentwood Loma Vista community on the northwest corner of Shaw and De Wolf in Clovis, the beautiful new Brentwood home was the grand prize of the giveaway. The St. Jude Dream Home, valued at $470,000, offered four bedrooms, three baths and 2,558 sq. ft. In addition, the home boasted of a long list of special features, including two gas fireplaces, 8-foot doors, hardwood floors, porcelain tile floors, window treatments, interior walls pre-plumbed for Home Defense Pest Control System, a sprinkler system and landscaping in the front and back yards. The Dream Home also included energy-efficient General Electric appliances, the bold look of Kohler plumbing fixtures, category-5 wiring for high-speed Internet, an energy recovery ventilation system, a tankless water heating system and dual-pane glazed windows for energy efficiency.

Brentwood Loma Vista offers some of the most affordable new homes in the greater 3,300 acre Loma Vista community, master-planned by the City of Clovis with no homeowner association fees! The community’s planned system of connected pedestrian walkways, parks, tree-lined streets, fountains, plazas and other features make life easy and enjoyable. The Brentwood Loma Vista Model Home Center is open Thursday through Monday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., located on the northwest corner of Shaw and De Wolf in Clovis.

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